€ 30/hour
€ 100/day (9AM - 5PM)
€ 80/evening (6PM - 10PM)

Prices excl. VAT

Our meeting rooms are also available for external customers.

You don’t need a subscription nor a contract with us, just use our meeting rooms whenever you can. They are available to use from Monday to Saturday, call us to make a reservation, it is easy and quick!

Large or small meeting space
Internet (wired & Wi-Fi)
White board
Digital television
HD-projector and projectionscreen
Dolby Surround Systeem
Printing, scanning, copying

Our meeting rooms are affordable and the perfect meeting location!

Book one of our meeting rooms now!


Stylish meeting rooms

Easy Office Center is the perfect meeting location in Ghent, our meeting rooms can also be used as training rooms. We have 2 rooms, both equipped with a white board and a flipchart.
The largest one is also equipped with a
HD projector and projection screen.

Printing, scanning and copying is always possible.

We offer free coffee, tea, water and fruit and can provide breakfast, lunch and dinner so you can focus on the meeting.

more information on training and meeting rooms?

call us on 09 298 0800

mail us on info@easyofficecenter.com

or fill in the CONTACT FORM!